Shipping, Delivery and collection

Shipping rates are calculated according to payment method
Paid Online by credit card or debit card or Installments - Order amount is greater than 200 SR and Less than 1500 SAR Free Delivery
Order Amount is greater than 1500 SAR ( Or Heavy Items) 14 SR
Cash on Delivery 38-40 SR
For orders amounts that are less than 200 SAR and the payment method is cash on delivery 38-40 SR
For orders amounts that are less than 200 SAR and the payment method is credit card or debit card 29 SR

To ensure smooth delivery you must provide us a clear delivery address. The delivery address must contain building, villa or flat number, street name, town, city, landmark note, postal code, and must contain 2 valid telephone numbers and full contact name(s) according to the form provided.

Before placing an order, you are kindly requested to check the product description carefully and you must agree to be bound by the conditions of sales included in “My shopping cart” and “Product information, stock and pricing” terms.

Your orders are shipped through “Home Delivery” by our courier partner every day except Fridays & delivered within a maximum of 14 working days.

Delivery is normally door-to-door, but there may be some instances where it is not possible due to courier company limitation or local laws. We, and our courier partner, reserve the right not to handover product(s) to a person under the age of 18 years old at the time of the delivery. Customer, after receiving his delivered order, should sign its related proof of delivery.